At Affare Fatto thousands of new items are put on sale everyday. May those be clothing and accessories or furniture, electronics, collectibles or jewelry.
These articles come from various people who doesn’t need them anymore, thus they decide to put them on sale and give them a new life.
Every single thing is accurately selected, listed and prepared to be sold in our store and online. We make sure that everything is working perfectly and in good conditions. If there is a flaw it is always reported in the item description.
We want to guarantee the utmost transparency, therefore it is our commitment to make sure that every item is traceable. It is mandatory for customers to register their Ids before selling, and every item gets listed in a register which is made available to public security.
If you buy from us you can be sure of the origin of every article, as well as be guaranteed that you have full withdrawal warranty.
Everything you buy from us comes from individuals who put it on sale under the claim of exclusion of warranty. We make sure that each and every item is working properly.
If you want to cancel or change anything about your order you’ll have to contact by phone Affare Fatto no later than 48 hours from your purchase.
Affare Fatto doesn’t require registration neither to make a purchase nor to pay for your purchase. We will require some informations for the sales receipt and for the shipment of your purchase.
Affare Fatto will communicates the envisaged payment methods, the transport fees and the total cost before the Buyer concludes the purchase order by proceeding with the payment.
Shipping costs
until 3 Kg – € 8,20
from 3 to 5 kg – € 9,00
from 5 to 10 kg – € 12,00
from 10 to 15 kg – € 13,00
from 15 to 20 kg – € 15,00
Excluding for destination in Sicily, Sardinia and Calabria.
until 3 Kg – € 10,00
from 3 to 5 kg – € 12,00
from 5 to 10 kg – € 13,00
from 10 to 15 kg – € 15,00
from 15 to 20 kg – € 16,00
It is Affare Fatto commitment to ship the purchased items no later than 5 days from the date of purchase in case of national shipping or 7 days for international shipping, unless differently agreed with the buyer.
You can pick up your order directly in store no later than 10 days from the date of purchase (Viale Aventino, 62 – 00153 Roma – Monday to Saturday, 10 am to 7:30 pm).
Payment methods
It is Affare Fatto commitment to clearly state the accepted methods of payment, the shipping costs and the total cost of purchase before the buyer can proceed with the payment.
We also allow to pick up in store your purchase. In that case you will not pay any shipment costs.
Our items are VAT free, since they are sold by private individuals by the mean of an agency. We will not emit any fiscal documents, but you will receive a sales receipt directly inside your package.
By buying online your payment will be managed through Paypal, making it possible to use your own Paypal credit, your credit card or debit card balance to pay for your purchase.
If you don’t have a Paypal account you will still be alble to pay with your credit or debit card as long as it is accepted by the avilable banking system (Visa, Maestro, Mastercard, American Express, etc.).
Refund policy
Every item that’s on sale is one of a kind. Since the items on display online are the same that are on display in our store, in some cases it is possible that a purchase online can overlap with the same purchase in store. If this happens it will be Affare Fatto’s duty to promptly notify the buyer and, if necessary, provide a full refund.
Affare Fatto recognizes the right of withdrawal for online purchases. You will have to send a communication by registered mail no later than 14 days from the shipment of the goods.
The customer will have to return the item purchased and received at his or her own expenses, in pristine conditions, complete in every part and in the exact same conditions it had when it was shipped.